Dear reader...

Hello, reader.
We are students from S3 from the Colegio Suizo de México, who wanted to give you a present,which you will apreciate. We did the summaries of all chapters divided in the sections above.
In the summaries you can find the next information to all these questions:
  • Who appeared (including all animals)?
  • Where?
  • When? 
  • What happened?
To organize the chapters we divided them into parts (just like they are divided in the book)
  • Part one: Chapters 1 - 6 + Conversation 1
  • Part two: Chapters 7 - 12 + Conversation 2
  • Part three: Chapters 13 - 18 + The Return
To find the parts please click on the arrow (in the upper left corner) "←" and then select the part you want to read.

Let´s start with the journey...