Part three

Chapter 13 - Snow-white villa


• Spiro
• Mother
• Gerry
• Theodore
• Geronimo
• Cicely
• Mantis
• Mantids
• Myrtles 
• Toads
• Bat
• Mosquitoes

Gerry finds many interesting animals, a bat, myrtles, toads, geckos, mantids and mantis. One fascinating gecko which he named Geronimo was very territorial and would even eat the tail of other geckos to defend his territory.
He also found a large pregnant mantis which he named Cicely. One day Cicely escaped, she flew to the sealing (Geronimo’s territory) Geronimo attached her and after a epic battle which went from the sealing to Gerry’s bed, at the end Geronimo was greatly wounded and without tail but victorious.
Gerry was wondering around and lifted a rock and found two very large toads, he immediately took them home to show them to the others. He showed them to mother and Spiro, none of them was nearly as excited as Gerry Spiro even vomited because of the disgusting toads.
The toads ate a lot of things Moths, mosquitos, battles and also the one gecko friend that Geronimo had made.

Chapter 14 - The talking flowers 


  • ·       Gerry 
  • ·       Kralefsky 
  • ·       Kralefsky's Mother 

In this chapter, Gerry describes his new tutor, an eccentric man named Kralefsky, and his classes with him. Kralefsky is an English ornithologist who lives with his equally peculiar mother in an old mansion. Unlike Gerry's previous tutor, his lessons are very monotonous, mainly consisting of memorizing and repeating information. Kralefsky owns a large collection of birds which he takes care of by himself. His mother, whose name is never mentioned, is an elderly lady who's slightly obsessed with her hair. Because of her age, she spends all of her time inside her room, surrounded by plants which she is convinced can talk to her. 
·       Kralefsky's house (the top two stories of a square, mildewed old mansion that stood on the outskirts of town) 
·       The town 

Animals involved:
Kralefsky's bird collection, which includes but is not limited to goldfinches, greenfinches, linnets and bullfinches 

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17 - The Chessboard Fields


  • ·  Gerald
  • ·  Friends of Gerald’s family
  • ·  Kosti Panopolous: he is a convict. He was brown and had blue eyes, He wore a blue shirt and grey pants.
  • ·  Larry
  • ·   Margo and Mother
  •     Leslie

Animals mentioned:

  • ·    Old Plump: he is a ancient terrapin, with a black skin. He was older than any other terrapin Gerald could find in the Chessboard Fields.
  • ·       Roger, Widdle and Puke.
  • ·       Two water snakes: one was a male the other a female. Both were fat and brow. They had silvery eyes.
  • ·       Alecko: an adult black gull, with a quite aggressive mood.

When and Where:

·       This chapter takes place, after the family arrived to the Snow-White Villa.
·     This chapter began with one of Gerald's expeditions in the Chessboard Fields, and  concluded when Gerald had a chat with his family in his house.


Below the Snow-White, there were the Chessboard Fields which were near the sea. The fields belonged to the families which were friends of Gerald’s family. One afternoon, Gerald took his net, box and dogs and visited the fields. While he was walking, he took the delicious and juiceful grapes and figs of fields or he eat them with his neighbours. At the other side of the field Gerald saw a see, filled with birds and sand.
In the channels between the fields Gerald caught many terrapins, but Gerald could never catch the oldest terrapin and with beautiful black skin, “the Old Plump”. The terrapin, which Gerald so desperately wanted, always managed to escape in the channels, before he could catch him. While Gerald tried to catch the Old Plump, equipped with his net and box, the 3 dogs chased an animal through the fields. When they barked, Gerald came and saw the animals, which the dogs chased. The dogs chased a male and a female water snake. Gerald managed to catch one of them, but the other escaped in the mud. He, with the help of his foot, managed to find, the other watersnake. The water snake tried to bite him, but Gerald grabbed her by the neck, and collocated both snakes in his net.
While Gerald was preparing to continue with his adventure, a stranger named “Kosti” arrived. They enjoyed the nice afternoon, and had a quite interesting conversation. They didn´t talk about their personal information (as people from Corfu usually do), and talked about some stories. Kosti is a actual convict in “Vido” (a near tiny islet), because he murdered his wife. He still has 2 years to go, but thanks to his good behaviour, he can explore Corfu with a boat during the weekend.  He had a gull Alecko, which seemed to like Gerald (he didn't like people usually). Kosti gave Alecko to Gerald, because Alecko didn't like the inmates or wards. Kosti proposed Gerald to go fishing with him tomorrow, so they would have enough fish for Alecko.
Gerald put Alecko under his arms (Alecko didn't liked it) and took his way home. When he arrives home, Aleko starts to scream and all the family run into the room. Alecko wanted to attack Dodo and Larry, but he failed. Dodo´s joint problem returned. Gerald was bothered of the lack of the ornithologist knowledge of the family, because they said Alecko was a peacock. At the end, Alecko stayed in the veranda. Gerald asked for Mother's permission to go fishing with Kosti. Mother agreed, but Leslie must survey them, because Mother didn't trust in this convict. Mother tells Gerald to invite Kosti to their villa. Mother likes him and she said he hasn't got a “murderous” aspect. Larry says  only a murder could give Gerald a gull.


Gerald surprised me with thid chapter because he showed us that convicts can change and they don´t necessarily need to be excluded from society, because of their mistakes. Well, we all commit mistakes, dont we?

Chapter 18 - An Entertainment with Animals

  • Mother 
  • Gerry 
  • Larry
  • Leslie 
  • Margot 
  • And all the people, because they made a party. 

The chapter starts with people helping putting tables, chair and other things, because the family made a Christmas party where everybody was invited, even the not like people. 
All the party had no organization. It was made just for fun and no one has any control. The snakes of Gerry scape and ate three of the gold fish, also they scarier some of the gests. After all they stay on the sun and get dry. For this mother sad that he could let them in the bath, with water, so they can heal, Jerry left the snakes there and after a while Margo enters and get scare and then complains to mother, but she just said that they could put them on the sink. 
All of this happens on the village. 
The party wasn’t even on Christmas, it was just a pretext to make a party. 

The Return

•Mr Kralefsky 


•Dogs (Roger)  


•This takes part in corfu and in the island where they were in the chapter 18 


Mr Kralefsky told mother that Gerry was ready to go to other country like Switzerland or England. After a long talk with mother they decided to return to Corfu, when they arrived the custom man stoped them and he asked why mother didn't have clothe but he was saying that on a weird accent that mother couldn't understand so they called Spiro to have a discussion with the custom man. 
After a long talk in Corfu, Gerald went in a train to London. 


It was a very quite short chapter but a very good ending for a book.